Provides help in working through any pregnancy situation, including information on options, ultrasound, parenting education and more.

Supports tribal members who are low income or have no income. Provides Social Security services help, Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), food distribution, medical gas vouchers (for Indian Health Services referred care, and referrals for other services.

BestCare is the contracted community mental health program in Jefferson County. Provides mental health assessments to children, families, and adults. Provides counseling and support for individuals with severe and persistent mental illness, school-based mental health services, community-based treatment services, and support for young adults in transition.

Provides a variety of direct and indirect services as well as administrative and support services. Direct services include adult behavioral health outpatient, child and family behavioral health outpatient, maternal mental health, nurse family support services, perinatal care coordination, safe needle exchange, vital records, and Women, Infants, & Children (WIC).