On December 3 2024, Giving Tuesday, help feed Central Oregon’s children and families.

More Central Oregonians depend on us now, more than ever, to put meals on their tables. You can help keep NeighborImpact’s food trucks on the road and full of food for our area’s youngest residents and their families.

Your $10 donation can help fill an empty plate.  

▪ $25 supports a weeks of meals for a family of four

▪ $50 feeds a child for three months

▪ $100 feeds a child for six months

▪ $500 purchases 3,000 meals to distribute to households throughout Deschutes County

▪ $500 pays for fuel and a driver to deliver food to outlying areas to feed 3,500 persons

▪ $1000 covers fuel and maintenance for one truck to recover and distribute 50 tons of food over a one-month period

▪ $1,500 pays for one truck to recover and distribute over 50 tons of food over a one-month period