Whether you’re working to improve your credit score, manage your budget or build your savings account, NeighborImpact has workshops and certified coaches that can help. Financial strength and stability can enhance your quality of life and provide you with more choices and options in the future.

Personal Finance Workshops Testimonials

“I enjoyed learning about credit scores and how it affects your everyday life. Most important now I know how to fix it!”

Financial Workshops

“This is my third workshop and my overall approach to my financial planning has improved greatly.”

Financial Fitness Attendee 

“She (the financial coach) not only give me ideas on how to manage my money but she did in a way that works for my own habits! considerate of how I operate”

One-on-One Financial Coaching

“Thanks to NeighborImpact, I’ve learned how to manage and save money.”

NeighborImpact Client